Li-S Energy welcomes Battery Breakthrough Initiative budget announcement

“Following the Federal Government's budget announcement of a $500m commitment to a Battery Breakthrough Initiative, CEO Dr Lee Finniear shared:

“Li-S Energy Ltd welcomes the $500m commitment to a Battery Breakthrough Initiative in the Federal Government budget. As the leading developer of next generation lithium sulfur batteries in the country, we are excited about the opportunity to work with the Government to support this initiative and ensure Australian battery research and IP is translated into world class commercial outcomes.

We are pleased the government has acknowledged the important role that battery technologies will play in the transition to net zero, by supporting the roll-out of renewable energy. Highly efficient batteries are quickly becoming an important factor in this transition. We need to be able to produce them here, in Australia, utilising our expertise and natural resources.”

Li-S Energy has a clear plan to become a global leader in lithium sulfur and lithium metal battery production. Using Australian patented IP from Deakin University, these advanced batteries are far lighter than lithium-ion, making them ideal for drones, electric aircraft and defence applications.

We are well advanced, currently finalising commissioning our Phase 3, 2MWh production facility in Geelong that is one of the most sophisticated battery production and testing facilities in the country. And our dry-room is the largest in Australia and home to one of the most sophisticated lithium sulfur pouch cell production lines in the world.

Once commissioned, this facility will allow us to manufacture battery cells, test performance and deliver qualified cells to partners across the world in the drone, eAviation and defence sectors.

Our ambition does not end with the Phase 3 facility. We have a well-developed plan to continue scaling our technology to ultimately license for gigawatt-hour-scale production for the global market.

This Initiative recognises building a large and diverse local battery industry will be critical to achieving net zero and creating a resilient economy with sustainable supply chains. Highly efficient batteries are quickly becoming the most important component in the transition to a low carbon economy, we need to be able to produce them here, in Australia, utilising our world leading knowhow and our natural advantages.”
